Friday, April 5, 2013


What do we know of vampires? How is it that we consider them like the vampire bat when in reality, they are more like a spider? Oh, you disagree? A vampire bat knicks its prey and only drinks what it needs and can live a few days off of it. A spider, however, lures its prey into a trap where it'll wait for it to be ensnared. From there, they drain their victim dry, leaving nothing but a husk. A spider is a seducer, a vampire bat, a thief. So...which are you?

In 1348, a plague swept across Europe, wiping out 2/3 of its population. For two years, the plague spread, causing death and destruction when finally, it vanished. Historians could never determine the cause, although it was blamed on diseased rats running amok in the European world. Documentation was never kept and therefore, the truth behind it all has gone missing. In 1348, creatures from the underworld emerged with a great hunger that could not be satisfied. These creatures were known simply as 'vampires', creatures that drained their victims dry of blood.

In 1350, a handful of humans became aware of their existence and formed groups to hunt these beings, pushing them back to the world from whence they came. They nearly succeeded, causing the creatures to return into a hybernation of sorts. Afraid of their return, the humans who took up the arms began training their children in the ways of killing the creatures should they ever return.

And return they did.

In 1550, nearly two hundred years later, vampires emerged once more to feast on the humans, however; they were unprepared for the humans that were ready for them. For years war ravaged the land, taking many lives, human and vampire. It wasn't until 1670 that the war came to a standstill. Tired and running low on both ends, the humans and vampires came to a truce. Vampires would only feed off of humans that were either on the verge of death, or sentenced to death. Humans would only kill vampires should they break this truce, and for three hundred years, it remained peaceful.

In 1970, a school was built to ensure the truce would remain entact. This school, however, wasn't an ordinary school. The school was turned into a co-ed of sorts, a place where vampires and humans lived together for the school year. They shared dormitories, rooms, showers, television, games; everything you could think of, they shared. Students from all over the world attended in hopes of keeping peace within the world. Vampires even took on human spouses, birthing forth a new breed; a breed that did not need to feed off of blood, but could survive on it if forced. They were known simply as Dhamphir's, or half-breeds.

In order to ensure the safety of its' human occupants, the school created prefects to keep everone in line. The school, originally designed to keep students separated, recently went through a remodeling during the summer vacation. It has accomodated a new system, one that would allow one vampire and one human, or Dhampir, to live in the same room. This would test to see how well the vampires could behave themselves, to restrain from feeding off of the humans, or Dhampirs. Human students are unaware of their vampire counterparts, and should they stumble across such a secret, their memories are erased. The Academy is known as Kinonai, and this is where our story begins. After all, anything can happen when you live in a world of vampires, especially when there are some vampires who want the world to return to the way it was.

Vampire - Pure-Blood
[Open: Can be any Race][If another vampire, must be Noble Vampire]
Ishida Nariko - The Dhampir Prefect

Human -
Vampire - Pure-Blood
[Open: Can be any Race][If another vampire, must be Noble Vampire]
Dhampir - Reserved - Leej10100

Vampires: Vampires are not your traditional vampires, nor are they twilight vampires. These vampiress are immune to the sunlight, however; they can only stand it for so long unless they are a pure-blood. The longest recorded vampire exposed to the sunlight was for five hours before being burned. They do not burst but merely fade to ash when they die. Vampires are not vegetarians, meaning they do not feed off of animals. Animal blood is extremely toxic to vampires and should a vampire be desparate enough to drink from an animal, they will die in a matter of hours. There are four different types of vampires. Each one is catagorized in a different field.

Pure-bloods: Pure-blooded vampires are vampires born to vampiric parents and do not have an ounce of human blood tarnishing their heritage. They are very rare and considered an endangered breed. Their blood is considered a delicacy and only feed off of each other, or their mates which are usually a sibling or another family member. There are exceptions to this rule such as if they find a particularly enticing blood. A pure-blood will also have certain abilities that they alone can perform, such as creating ice at will, telepathy, abilities like those. The ability passes on to their children, and in some cases, should they father/mother a dhampir, it passes on to them as well. They alone possess the ability to turn humans into vampires. They are immortal in a sense as they do not die. They can be killed, but it requires a great deal of effort. They can tolerate sunlight indefinitely. It does not affect them like Noble and Mad Vampires.

Noble Vampires: Noble vampires are vampires that were either turned by a pure-blood or their blood was tainted with human blood somewhere down the line. They are not considered Dhampir. Their blood is considered average and not often saught after unless by Mad vampires. They tend to feed upon their mates and occasionally snack on a human or two. Noble Vampires tend to marry within their own family to keep the human blood from growing any stronger within their bloodline and will often times try to marry into a pure-blood family. Although it is very rare that a pure-blood will take on a Noble as a potential mate. They retain a limited amount of abilities and are not quite as strong as a pure-blood's ability. They are immortal like pure-bloods, but can die a lot easier from special weapons. They can tolerate sunlight but only for a few hours.

Mad Vampires: The lowest of low: Mad vampires are vampires that were once human and were bitten by a pure-blood. Without drinking from the pure-blood that bit them, these vampires are driven insane with bloodlust and attack any and all creatures, resulting in an excrutiating death should they ingest animal blood. There are not a lot of Mad Vampires in the world as they do tend to feed off of animals more so than humans and are not a threat to the Vampire/human world. They cannot tolerate all...and should they be exposed to it, they will combust and turn to ash. Their blood is highly toxic and will cause any vampire, pure or not, to go into a shock and die.

Dhampir: The Dhampir is a rather new breed. They are made from the union of a human parent and a vampiric parent. It doesn't matter whether the vampiric parent was a pure-blood or not, they are still the creation of such an act. These vampires do not need blood to survive like most of the vampires, however; they are required to drink it at least once every few months at bare minimum. Should they not feed off of blood, they risk the exposure of becoming a mad vampire. Drinking blood keeps their vampiric blood at bay, especially Dhampir born to a pure-blood parent.

Dhampir blood is considered especially rare and enticing. They are often saught after, even by pure-bloods, as their blood is said to contain certain enzymes that allow a vampire to experience something similar to a human's high. They have all the abilities of a pure-blood and Noble vampire except the fact that they are not immortal and will eventually die. The oldest recorded Dhampir was said to have been around 1000 years old. They age at a much slower rate than humans. They can, however, be turned into vampires but only by a pure-blood. If the Dhampir was born to a pure-blood parent, then they become similar to a pure-blood should they be turned. They are often frowned upon as a union between vampire and human is considered taboo.

The Dorms
Before the renovation, the dorms used to be segregated. Vampires had their own rooms in a different part of the campus while humans and Dhampir's had their own as well. After the renovation, the dorms were merged so that the students now have to share their room with either a vampire, dhampir, or a human. Not only are they having to share rooms, each room is not restricted to gender meaning, a female can share a dorm with a male, however; it is strictly advised against. Each room is situated with two shower rooms should a male and female be housed together. Who is situated with who is completely random and usually names are drawn from two hats. One hat has all the male names listed while its counterpart houses all the female names. The dorm rooms look like this
*Note: Once all characters are submitted, roommates will be determined via the hat method. All roommates will be listed as soon as all characters are submitted.

Feeding Policy
Vampires and Dhampirs both need blood to survive. And the only blood they can have is human. They receive donations of blood from the local blood bank as a courtesy. They are never allowed to feed on Humans and or vampires/dhampirs unless the vampires feed off of each other. It is a strange policy placed to protect the humans from accidentally stumbling upon the secret world of vampires and dhampirs. The vampires claim it is tomato juice when drinking in front of humans and are never allowed to let humans try their drinks should they inquire about it.

These outfits are provided to the students upon enrollment.
The Black outfits are specifically made for prefects.

If you are interested, click the link below and apply!



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