Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Calendar, 10-4-12 : onCampus

Posted on | October 8, 2012 | No Comments

SLUDGE, SCI-FI, SILLINESS: Radio drama and comic books are mashed together in this Oct. 8 theater spectacle titled ?The Intergalactic Nemesis ? Book One: Target Earth? at 7 p.m. in Mershon Auditorium. Three actors voicing dozens of characters, bunches of sound effects, and more than 1,000 colorful, hand-drawn images projected on a gigantic screen tell the story of reporter Molly Sloan, her intrepid assistant Timmy Mendez and a mysterious librarian named Ben Wilcott as they face planet Earth?s impending invasion by sludge monsters from the planet Zygon. Set in 1933, this rollicking sci-fi comedy is appropriate for ages 7 and up. Tickets are $10 for youth 18 and under, college students and groups of 10 or more; $15 for Wexner Center members and $18 for the general public. Visit wexarts.org or call 292-3535 for more information.


Oct. 4-5, History of Art, ?Building the Louvre: The Architectures of Politics and Art,? 3:30 p.m. Oct. 4, 10:30 a.m. Oct. 5, Forum Gallery, Columbus Museum of Art, 480 E. Broad St., contact Patrick Bray at bray.49@osu.edu or call 292-4938 for more information.


Oct. 4, John E. Nance Writer-in-Residence reception, 6-8 p.m., OSU Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., free and open to all, uas.osu.edu.

Oct. 5, Rooftop Garden Tour, 1:45-3 p.m., OSU Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., high heels not permitted, bring or wear appropriate footwear, event is full, 292-8861.

Oct. 6, Secrest Arboretum, 10th Annual Autumn Discovery Day Tree and Shrub Sale, 9 a.m.-noon, Secrest Arboretum, 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster, free admission and parking, visit secrest.osu.edu/pageview/Contact_Us.htm for more information.

Oct. 6, Fall Bike Show with Bike OSU, bikes of all kinds welcome, noon-3 p.m., OSU Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., bike registration required, visit uas.osu.edu/program/fall-bike-show to register and for more information, 292-8861.

Oct. 11, Paging Columbus!, 6-8 p.m., OSU Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., free and open to all, contact hannahjstephenson@gmail.com for more information.

Oct. 11, Office of Research, State of Research Address and Innovator of the Year Awards, 8:30-10 a.m., Film/Video Theater, Wexner Center, 1871 N. High St., registration required, go.osu.edu/ORtraining.

Oct. 13, Secrest Arboretum, Guided Bird Walk, 9-11 a.m., Seaman Orientation Plaza, 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster, free admission and parking, visit secrest.osu.edu/pageview/Contact_Us.htm for more information.

Oct. 13, Art Explorations for Kids, ages 4-8, 1-2:30 p.m., OSU Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., free, RSVP to 292-8861, uas.osu.edu.

Oct. 15, Office of Research, PostDoc Association Reception, 4-6 p.m., Faculty Club Colleagues Room (lower level), 181 S. Oval Drive, registration required, go.osu.edu/ORtraining.


Through Oct. 5, 21st Annual Staff Arts and Crafts Exhibit, First and Second Floor Lobbies, Bricker Hall, 190 N. Oval Mall, exhibit open during business hours, hr.osu.edu.

Through Oct. 6, Faculty Club Art Exhibitions, ?Expressions of Dynamic Form,? by Louise Captein, Faculty Club, 181 S. Oval Drive, ohiostatefacultyclub.com or 292-2262.

Through Oct. 11, Swing Space Gallery Exhibitions, Department of Art Visiting Artists and Lecturers Exhibit, Swing Space Gallery, 1556 N. High St., swingspace.osu.edu.

Through Oct. 20, OSU Urban Arts Space Exhibitions, ?Time and Place: An International Exhibition of Works on Paper,? Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., art.osu.edu.

Through Oct. 27, OSU Urban Arts Space Exhibitions, ?Peripheral Vision: A View from Ohio Printmaking Cooperatives,? Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., art.osu.edu.

Through Dec. 30, Department of Dance Exhibitions, ?Line Dancing,? exhibition of dance in cartoon art, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, Reading Room Gallery, 27 W. 17th Ave. Mall, 292-0538.

Through Dec. 30, Department of Dance Exhibitions, ?Dancing Dimensions: Movement through Time and Space,? exhibition of dance and movements collections, Thompson Library Gallery, 1858 Neil Ave., 292-6785.

Oct. 9-Dec. 14, OSU Urban Arts Space Exhibitions, ?Inosculation,? Urban Arts Space, 50 W. Town St., art.osu.edu.


Oct. 9, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Autumn 2012 Film Series: Don Quijote, ?Don Quijote, Part II? (Manuel Guti?rrez Arag?n, 1991), 7:30 p.m., 014 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall, cmrs.osu.edu.

Oct. 12, College of Social Work, ?Gen Silent: A Documentary Film? and workshop, 1-5 p.m., US Bank Conference Theater, Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., visit csw.osu.edu/trainingforprofessionals/trainingcalendar for more information.

Oct. 17, Center for Latin American Studies, Autumn 2012 Film Series, Retrospective: The Filmography of Walter Salles, ?Abril Despeda?ado/Behind the Sun? (2001), 7:30 p.m., 180 Hagerty Hall, 1775 College Road, free and open to the public, all films subtitled in English, clas.osu.edu.


Oct. 4, Criminal Justice Research Center, ?Gender and 21st Century Corporate Crime: Female Involvement and Gender Gap in Enron-Era Corporate Financial Frauds,? Darrell Steffensmeier, noon-1:20 p.m., 217 Journalism Bldg., 242 W. 18th Ave., lunch available at event, 292-7468.

Oct. 4, Department of Statistics, ?A Nonparametric Bayesian Model for Local Clustering,? Ju Hee Lee, Ohio State, 4 p.m., Room 170, 209 W. 18th Ave., stat.osu.edu.

Oct. 4, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, Teja Tscharntke, University G?ttingen, 1 p.m., 1188 Postle Hall, 305 W. 12th Ave., eeob.osu.edu/events.

Oct. 4, Institute for Materials Research, ?Emerging Trends in AllnGaN Material and Devices Research,? Asif Khan, University of South Carolina, 1:30 p.m., E100 Scott Lab, 201 W. 19th Ave., encomm.osu.edu/events.

Oct. 5, Department of History, ?Plague Germs can Penetrate the Celestial Dress, but Plague Measures Cannot: Mapping Plague Narratives in British India,? Natasha Sarkar, 3 p.m., 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave., brooke.10@osu.edu.

Oct. 5, Department of History, ?Presidential Symposium: The Idea of a University in Time of Crisis,? 3:30 p.m., Film/Video Theater, Wexner Center, 1871 N. High St., staley.3@osu.edu.

Oct. 5, Department of Linguistics Speaker Series, Bill Ladusaw, University of California-Santa Cruz, 3:55 p.m., 60 Jennings Hall, 1735 Neil Ave., ling.ohio-state.edu.

Oct. 5, Humanities Institute, LiteracyStudies@OSU, ?Literacy and Social Justice,? noon, Knight House, 104 E. 15th Ave., hanson.94@osu.edu.

Oct. 5, Department of Philosophy, ?Models and Consistency in Geometry and Logic,? Patricia Blanchette, University of Notre Dame, 3:30 p.m., 347 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall, philosophy.osu.edu.

Oct. 8, Department of Physics, Dick Morr, University of Illinois-Chicago, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 1080 Physics Research Building, 191 W. Woodruff Ave., 292-5713.

Oct. 8, Department of Physics, ?Catching Ghost Particles in Iron, Plastic, and Oil: The MINOS and NOvA Experiments,? Luke Corwin, Indiana University, 2:30 p.m., 4138 Physics Research Building, 191 W. Woodruff Ave., 292-5713.

Oct. 8, American Indian Studies, lunch reading and talk, Heid Erdrich, 11:45 a.m., Newark Earthworks Center, 1179 University Drive, Newark, disco.osu.edu/events.

Oct. 9, Department of Physics, ?Testing General Relativity Using Atom Interferometry,? Jason Hogan, Stanford University, 4 p.m., 1080 Physics Research Building, 191 W. Woodruff Ave., 292-5713.

Oct. 10, Humanities Institute, LiteracyStudies@OSU, ?From Scrap to Book: The Use of Parchment Offcuts in Medieval Manuscript Culture,? Erik Kwakkel, University of Leiden, 1 p.m., 150 Thompson Library, 1858 Neil Ave., haidt.1@osu.edu.

Oct. 10, Humanities Institute, LiteracyStudies@OSU, ?Hidden Treasure: The Use of Medieval Manuscript Fragments in Early-Modern Bindings,? Erik Kwakkel, University of Leiden, 3 p.m., 150 Thompson Library, 1858 Neil Ave., haidt.1@osu.edu.

Oct. 10, Electronic and Magnetic Nanoscale Composite Multifunctional Materials, Aaron Arehart, 4:30 p.m., 4138 Physics Research Bldg., 191 W. Woodruff Ave., encomm.osu.edu/events.

Oct. 10, Center for Folklore Studies, Brownbag Lunch, Margaret Lyngdoh, University of Tartu in Estonia and Northeastern Hill University in Shillong, 1 p.m., 308 Dulles Hall, 230 W. 17th Ave., 688-3639.

Oct. 11, Department of Classics, ?Religion in Roman Egypt,? Susan Stephens, Stanford University, 2 p.m., 143 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall, classics.osu.edu.

Oct. 11, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, ?Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Influences on Tropical and Temperate Life History Strategies,? Tom Martin, University of Montana, 1 p.m., 1188 Postle Hall, 305 W. 12th Ave., eeob.osu.edu.

Oct. 11, School of Earth Sciences, ?The Dynamic Marine Calcium Cycle: An Isotopic Approach,? Liz Griffith, Kent State University, 4 p.m., 291 Mendenhall Lab, 125 S. Oval Mall, 292-2721.

Oct. 11, Department of Statistics, ?Simultaneous Fractional Discriminant Analysis: Applications to Face Recognition,? John Draper, Ohio State, 4 p.m., Room 170, 209 W. 18th Ave., stat.osu.edu.

Oct. 12, Department of Geography, 2012-13 Colloquium Series, Sarah Elwood, University of Washington, 4 p.m., 1080 Derby Hall, 154 N. Oval Mall, 292-2514.

Oct. 12, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies 2012-13 Lecture Series: Disabilities and Abilities in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ?Mental Illness, Self-Violence, and Civil War,? Julie Singer, Washington University-St. Louis, 3 p.m., 090 Science and Engineering Library, 175 W. 18th Ave., 292-7495.

Oct. 12, Humanities Institute, Roundtable with Elizabeth Povinelli, Columbia University, 10:30 a.m., Knight House, 104 E. 15th Ave., winnubst.1@osu.edu.

Oct. 12, Humanities Institute, Precarity and Social Contract Working Group, ?Precarity and the Social Contract,? Elizabeth Povinelli, Columbia University, 3:30 p.m., 3140 Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., winnubst.1@osu.edu.

Oct. 12, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, ?Women and Gender after the Arab Spring: Promises and Perils of Democratization,? Valentine Moghadamb, 12:30 p.m., 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave., visit mershoncenter.osu.edu to RSVP for event, contact powers.108@osu.edu for more information.

Oct. 12, Department of Classics, Nineteenth Annual Carl C. Schlam Memorial Lecture, ?Plato?s ?Egyptian? Republic,? Susan Stephens, Stanford University, 2:30 p.m., 165 Thompson Library, 1858 Neil Ave., classics.osu.edu.

Oct. 13, Department of English, Creative Writing Visiting Writers Series, Rebecca Makkai, 8 p.m., 165 Thompson Library, 1858 Neil Ave., 292-6065.

Oct. 14, College of Arts and Sciences, Science Sundays, ?Glaciers, People, and Global Climate Change: An Inconvenient Truth Meets An Inconvenient Mind,? Lonnie Thompson, Ohio State, 3-4 p.m., US Bank Conference Theater, reception follows in Ohio Staters? Traditions Room, Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., artsandsciences.osu.edu/science-sundays.

Oct. 14, Melton Center for Jewish Studies, ?The Jewish Future in America: Problems, Possibilities, and Projections,? Steven Cohen and Ira Sheskin, noon, Columbus Jewish Community Center, 1125 College Ave., reception follows program, meltoncenter.osu.edu.

Oct. 14, Melton Center for Jewish Studies, ?Jewish Voting Patterns and the 2012 Elections,? panelists include Steven Cohen, Ira Sheskin, Herb Asher, Herb Weisberg, and Joyce Garver Keller, 7 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, meltoncenter.osu.edu.

Oct. 15, Department of Physics, Oleg Tchernyshyov, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 1080 Physics Research Building, 191 W. Woodruff Ave., 292-5713.

Oct. 15, Institute for Japanese Studies, ?Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster and Recovery,? students and teachers from Japan will share stories and experiences, 7 p.m., 10 Page Hall, 1810 College Road, japan.osu.edu.

Oct. 15, Melton Center for Jewish Studies, ?From Generation to Generation: Variations in Jewish Engagement,? noon, OSU Hillel, 46 E. 16th Ave., free lunch included, RSVP by Oct. 10 to 292-0967, meltoncenter.osu.edu.

Oct. 17, Humanities Institute, Center for Material Culture Studies Working Group, 3:30 p.m., Knight House, 104 E. 15th Ave., jakes.1@osu.edu.

Oct. 17, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, ?The Dokdo Islets: A Critical Issue between Korea and Japan,? Kim Byung-ryull, 12:30 p.m., 120 Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave., visit mershoncenter.osu.edu to RSVP for event, contact powers.108@osu.edu for more information.

Oct. 17, Electronic and Magnetic Nanoscale Composite Multifunctional Materials, Vishnu Baba Sundaresan, 4:30 p.m., 4138 Physics Research Bldg., 191 W. Woodruff Ave., encomm.osu.edu/events.

Oct. 17, Department of English, Creative Writing Visiting Writers Series, Jeff Gundy, Eric LeMay, Lee Martin, and Dinty W. Moore will read excerpts from ?The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Nonfiction,? 7 p.m., 311 Denney Hall, 164 W. 17th Ave., 292-6065.

Oct. 18, Humanities Institute, LiteracyStudies@OSU, Ana Maria de Oliviera Galvao, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais-Brazil, 3:30 p.m., Knight House, 104 E. 15th Ave., hanson.94@osu.edu.

Oct. 18, Humanities Institute, Iberian Studies Working Group, ?Exceptional Iberia or Normative Mediterranean? Contexts of Ethno-Religious Relations in the Middle Ages,? Brian Catlos, Colorado University-Boulder, 4 p.m., Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Ave., haidt.1@osu.edu.

Oct. 18, Department of Classics, ?Caesar Constructing Caesar,? William Batstone, Ohio State, 5 p.m., 448 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall, classics.osu.edu.

Oct. 18, School of Earth Sciences, ?Increased Flow Intermittency and Habitat Fragmentation Under Climate Change in Desert Mountain Streams,? Kris Jaeger, OARDC, 4 p.m., 291 Mendenhall Lab, 125 S. Oval Mall, 292-2721.

Oct. 18, Department of Design, Distinguished Alumni Lecture, Tom Ockerse, 7 p.m., 100 Mendenhall Lab, 125 S. Oval Mall, https://design.osu.edu.

Oct. 18, Melton Center for Jewish Studies, ?Commitment and Crisis: Jews, Communism, and Anti-Communism in the United States,? Tony Michels, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3:40 p.m., 168 Dulles Hall, 230 W. 17th Ave., meltoncenter.osu.edu.

Oct. 18, Department of Statistics, ?Least Squares Estimation in Stochastic Biochemical Networks,? Grzegorz Rempala, Georgia Health Sciences University, 4 p.m., Room 170, 209 W. 18th Ave., stat.osu.edu.


Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27, YP4H Educational Programming Classes, ?Trail Running,? 7 a.m., Highbanks Metro Park, 9466 US Route 23, Lewis Center, registration required, visit yourplanforhealth.com or call 292-4700 for more information or to register.

Oct. 10, Rec Sports Free Group Fitness Class, ?Pop Dance for Breast Cancer,? 6-7 p.m., Performance Hall, Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., recsports.osu.edu.

Oct. 11, Ohio State Faculty and Staff Photographic Society, ?Lukla Nepal to Everest Base Camp,? Willie Grove, Member Theme: ?High Adventure,? limit of 6 images, send 97 or 72 dot digital files by e-mail to jhuston1@columbus.rr.com, 5:15 p.m., Faculty Club Colleagues Room, 181 S. Oval Drive, new and non-members welcome, reservation required, 292-2262.

Oct. 12, Rec Sports Free Group Fitness Class, ?Power Half Hour,? 5-5:30 p.m., Jesse Owens North Court 1, 2151 Neil Ave., recsports.osu.edu.

Oct. 13, Rec Sports Free Group Fitness Class, ?Hunger Games Workout,? 3-5 p.m., Adventure Recreation Center Turf, 855 Woody Hayes Drive, recsports.osu.edu.

Oct. 15, Center for Bariatric Surgery Program, bariatric surgery information session, 6-7:30 p.m., Morehouse Medical Plaza Pavilion Auditorium, 2050 Kenny Road, free parking, seating limited, registration requested, medicalcenter.osu.edu/go/bariatric or 293-5123.

Oct. 16, Health and Wellness Benefit Choices Forum, noon-1:30 p.m., Office of Human Resources, Suite 430, 1590 N. High St., hr.osu.edu/benefits or 292-1050.

Oct. 16, Rec Sports Free Group Fitness Class, ?Bring Your Boss to Cardio Kickboxing,? 4:20-5:20 p.m., Recreation and Physical Activity Center South Gym, 337 W. 17th Ave., recsports.osu.edu.

Oct. 17, Retirement Choices Forum, noon-1 p.m., Office of Human Resources, Room 425, Suite 430, 1590 N. High St., hr.osu.edu/benefits or 292-1050.

Oct. 18, University Senate, 3:30 p.m., 130 Drinko Hall, 55 W. 12th Ave., senate.osu.edu.


Oct. 4, Symphonic Band, 8 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 4, Jazz Lab Ensemble, 3 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 7, Choral Collage, 3 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 11, Collegiate Winds, 8 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 11, Ohio State Marion, Five Nights on Campus, ?An Evening with Mike Cross,? 7:30 p.m., Morrill Hall Auditorium, 1465 Mt. Vernon Ave., admission, call 740-725-6341 or email babich.5@osu.edu for tickets, visit osumarion.osu.edu/5-nights for more information.

Oct. 12, Jazz Ensemble, 8 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 13, Guest Artists: Wesley Baldwin on cello and Nicholas Ross on piano, 8 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 14, Melton Center for Jewish Studies, ?Mystical Melodies and Raucous Celebrations,? The Con Fuoco Duo with special guest Mark Rudoff on cello, 3 p.m., Columbus Museum of Art, 480 E. Broad St., admission, 292-2693, meltoncenter.osu.edu.

Oct. 15, Scarlet Winds and Friends with Guest Scholar Nancy Toff, 8 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 16, University Band, 8 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, admission (one free ticket to students/faculty/staff with BuckID), 247-7036.

Oct. 17, Composers? Workshop, 8 p.m., Weigel Hall Auditorium, 1866 College Road, free, 247-7036.


Oct. 5, Larry the Cable Guy with special guest Reno Collier, 8 p.m., Value City Arena, Schottenstein Center, 555 Borror Drive, admission, schottensteincenter.com or ticketmaster.com.

Oct. 7, OSU Men?s Ice Hockey vs. Waterloo, 2 p.m., Value City Arena, Schottenstein Center, 555 Borror Drive, admission, schottensteincenter.com or ticketmaster.com.

Oct. 11-14, DreamWorks? How to Train Your Dragon Live Spectacular, 7 p.m. Oct. 11-12; 11 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m. Oct. 13; 1 and 5 p.m. Oct. 14; Value City Arena, Schottenstein Center, 555 Borror Drive, admission, schottensteincenter.com or ticketmaster.com.


Oct. 11-21, Department of Theatre, ?The Arabian Nights,? 7:30 p.m. Oct. 11-12 and 16-19; 3 p.m. Oct. 13-14 and Oct. 21; Roy Bowen Theatre, Drake Performance Center, 1849 Cannon Drive, admission, 292-2295.


Oct. 4, Financial Training and Documentation, ?University Expenditures Policy,? 2-4 p.m., 231 Mount Hall, 1050 Carmack Road, registration required, oit.ohio-state.edu/hrfin/trainingregistration.html.

Oct. 4, Management Advancement for the Public Service, ?Difficult Conversations, Positive Outcomes,? 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, admission for non-members, registration required, glennschool.osu.edu or 292-3242.

Oct. 4, Office of Research Sponsored Programs, ?PI Portal Practice Lab,? 10-11:30 a.m., 460B Health Sciences Library, Prior Hall, 376 W. 10th Ave., registration required, go.osu.edu/ORtraining.

Oct. 5, University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, ?Teaching at Mid-Semester: A Brown Bag Discussion,? noon-1 p.m., 150 Younkin Success Center, 1640 Neil Ave., registration required, registration.it.ohio-state.edu.

Oct. 6, University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, ?College Teaching Series: Student Learning 101,? 2:30-4 p.m., 150 Younkin Success Center, 1640 Neil Ave., registration required, registration.it.ohio-state.edu.

Oct. 8, College of Social Work Training, ?Parenting and Adoption: How to Support Strengthening Parent and Child Relationships,? 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m., 115 Stillman Hall, 1947 College Road, earn 3 CEU clock hours, open to the public, visit csw.osu.edu/trainingforprofessionals/trainingcalendar for description and registration.

Oct. 9, Management Advancement for the Public Service, ?Managerial Writing for Results,? 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, admission for non-members, registration required, glennschool.osu.edu or 292-3242.

Oct. 9, University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, ?College Teaching Series: Planning a Class Session,? 2:30-4 p.m., 150 Younkin Success Center, 1640 Neil Ave., registration required, registration.it.ohio-state.edu.

Oct. 9, Office of Research, ?Proposal Development and Online Submission,? noon-1 p.m., 200 Bricker Hall, 190 N. Oval Mall, registration required, go.osu.edu/ORtraining.

Oct. 10, Management Advancement for the Public Service, ?Practices of a Successful Negotiator,? 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, admission for non-members, registration required, glennschool.osu.edu or 292-3242.

Oct. 11, Management Advancement for the Public Service, ?Secrets to Powerful Presentations,? 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, admission for non-members, registration required, glennschool.osu.edu or 292-3242.

Oct. 11-12, Financial Training and Documentation, ?The Procurement and Payment Process,? 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. both days, 231 Mount Hall, 1050 Carmack Road, registration required, oit.ohio-state.edu/hrfin/trainingregistration.html.

Oct. 12, College of Social Work Training, ?Writes and Wrongs: For Supervisors,? 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m., 115 Stillman Hall, 1947 College Road, earn 3 CEU clock hours, open to the public, visit csw.osu.edu/trainingforprofessionals/trainingcalendar for description and registration.

Oct. 15, University Center for the Advancement of Teaching, ?Techniques for Motivating Students,? 2-3:30 p.m., 150 Younkin Success Center, 1640 Neil Ave., registration required, registration.it.ohio-state.edu.

Oct. 15-16, Human Resources Training, ?Manage Job Data,? 1-4:30 p.m. both days, 112A Mount Hall, 1050 Carmack Road, registration required, oit.osu.edu/hrfin/hrschedule/html.

Oct. 16, Management Advancement for the Public Service, ?Cultural Consciousness and Inclusion,? 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, admission for non-members, registration required, glennschool.osu.edu or 292-3242.

Oct. 17, College of Social Work Training, ?Positive Leadership: Supervision,? 1-4:15 p.m., 115 Stillman Hall, 1947 College Road, earn 3 CEU clock hours, open to the public, visit csw.osu.edu/trainingforprofessionals/trainingcalendar for description and registration.

Oct. 17, Management Advancement for the Public Service, ?Personnel Issues for Public Employees,? 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, admission for non-members, registration required, glennschool.osu.edu or 292-3242.

Oct. 18, College of Social Work Training, ?Better Understanding of the Grieving Process for Children and Teenagers,? 9 a.m.-4:15 p.m., 115 Stillman Hall, 1947 College Road, earn 6 CEU clock hours, open to the public, visit csw.osu.edu/trainingforprofessionals/trainingcalendar for description and registration.

Oct. 18, Financial Training and Documentation, ?Tax Obligations and Compliance at OSU,? 1:30-4:30 p.m., 231 Mount Hall, 1050 Carmack Road, registration required, oit.ohio-state.edu/hrfin/trainingregistration.html.

Oct. 18, Management Advancement for the Public Service, ?Fully Engaged: Achieving Work/Life Balance,? 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Road, admission for non-members, registration required, glennschool.osu.edu or 292-3242.


Through Oct. 31, Public Programs: The Market at 15th & High, outdoor farmers? market, 3:30-6:30 p.m., Wexner Center Plaza, 292-3535.

Through Oct. 31, The Box, ?The Syphilis of Sisyphus? (Mary Reid Kelley, 2011), Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Thu.-Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.-6 p.m., The Box is located across from the Wexner Center Store, 1871 N. High St., free, 292-3535.

Through Dec. 30, Exhibitions on View, ?Annie Leibovitz,? Wexner Center Galleries, 1871 N. High St., admission (free to visitors the first Sunday of the month and every Thursday after 4 p.m.), 292-3535.

Oct. 4, Wex at Gateway, ?Red Hook Summer? (Spike Lee, 2012), visit wexarts.org for screening times, Gateway Film Center, 1550 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 4, Visiting Filmmakers: Allison Anders, Pop! Impact: A Symposium on the Humanities and Popular Culture, 4 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., free, 292-3535.

Oct. 4, Film/Video: Via Brasil, ?Found Memories? (Julia Murat, 2011), introduced by Laura Podalsky, 7 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 4, Annie Leibovitz Events, Look: Contemporary Portraiture, 7 p.m., Wexner Center Galleries, 1871 N. High St., free, 292-3535.

Oct. 5, Visiting Filmmakers: Steve Martino, Studio Animation Behind the Scenes, 7:30 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 7, ?The Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episodes 10-11: 1970s-1980s)? (Mark Cousins, 2011), 1 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 8, Creative Engines: A Conversation with Sergio Marchionne and John C Jay, 7 p.m., Mershon Auditorium, 1871 N. High St., admission (students are free), 292-3535.

Oct. 9, Contemporary Screen, ?Perfect Film? (Ken Jacobs, 1985) and ?Seeking the Monkey King? (Ken Jacobs, 2011), 7 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 11-12, Ira Sachs Retrospective, ?Keep the Lights On? (2012), introduced by Ira Sachs Oct. 11, 7 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 12, Especially for Families and Teens, ?The Intergalactic Nemesis-Book One: Target Earth? live action graphic novel for ages 7 and up, 7 p.m., Mershon Auditorium, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 13, Ira Sachs Retrospective, ?The Delta? (1997) and selected shorts, 7 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 13, onStage, The Neil Cowley Trio, 8 p.m., Performance Space, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 14, ?The Story of Film: An Odyssey (Episodes 12-13: 1980s-1990s)? (Mark Cousins, 2011), 1 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., admission, 292-3535.

Oct. 16, Spotlight on the Criterion Collection, ?The Decameron? (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1971), 4 p.m., Film/Video Theater, free; reception, 6 p.m., Wexner Store; Kim Hendrickson and Curtis Tsui in Conversation, 7 p.m., Wexner Center; ?Sunday, Bloody Sunday? (John Schlesinger, 1971), 8 p.m., Film/Video Theater, admission; 1871 N. High St., 292-3535.

Oct. 18, onScreen, Sam Green and Yo La Tengo perform ?The Love Song of R. Buckminster Fuller? (2012), 7 and 9 p.m., Film/Video Theater, 1871 N. High St., $20 admission, 292-3535.


Source: http://oncampus.osu.edu/2012/10/calendar-10-4-12/

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