Monday, February 20, 2012

[OOC] Dark Guild Descution Thread

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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The Guilds of Zorgoth?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

Spelling's for suckers!

lol, sorry I had to

Anywhoo, I claim this discussion thread in the name of "HHH" (Dark Guild 1). Abandon all sanity yee who enter here!

First order of business, GUILD HISTORY!

What I mean by this is that I would like to work up a little background on not only the guild itself but its guildmembers. Stuff like how they joined, what there reputation is with the other guild members is, how much they love and respect their awesome and amazing guild master......

So lets get some discussion going! (all two of us -_-)

The guild has been around since it's founding 2 years ago by no other than The Shrouded Spellsetter himself! What this means is that we are a realitivly new guild (dark guild) on the block. Our members shall consist of the guildmaster himself and three others, NO MORE! (well maybe some more later on [BUT NO NPC's!]). In a later post I shall lay out some information on our Guild-House.

Also! Note that all (important) guild information will ultimately be placed into "The Shrouded Spellsetter"s Profile under Guild! But feel free to put some of your character's information pertaining to the guild in their profile!

Lastly! The guild name is currently "HHH" (for the story pertaining to the acronym, check the regular OOC), but it is subject to change if someone presents me with a better one! (until the start of the RP, or at least our start)

That is all ladies and gentlemen .......Archlkan......

*edit* I meant to put out some of the general history I had come up with....MB, I'll do it now.....

So, we are two years old, we are located in a medium sized town in Fein (neutrality is best when you want to play both sides) near the border (but we still like to get around). Up until now we have mostly been doing low ranking jobs for shady merchants (like sabotaging warehouses! Or scaring competitors! We once changed some labels on in-transit goods! Whoo!), slowly making a name for our-selfs (Cuz Black is a freakin' good PR guy {he bribes people alot [and is riding on his legacy]}). We have yet to do anything big (like an assassination or kidnapping), but all good things come in time! In fact, Black has just finished coming up with a job that will us put on the map of some very influential people in both Elden and Torin! (not to mention secure a crap-ton of gold)

So, thar's some information for yall, feel free to present some of your own origin's with "HHH" and discussion shall ensue!

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He who has no sanity (Maybe a little.), has entered 'HHH' domain! It is I, Ansem Archlkan.

So, now to ponder up an amazing joining story for Loke, and how he totally hates reveres Black. (Or maybe just think he's awesome and all that jazz.) I could easily say he'd join for the evulz, or 'fun' in this case. But we want an epic tale of how each member came to be, and has earned his/her respect in HHH, therefore; Beer drinking contest. Money, and the fun you'll have teaching people to stop being an ass, and be civilized instead? (Not that what 'HHH' is doing is civilized...)

Okay, this is going to need some work. But really, how else would you figure a guy like Loke joining a Guild? Other then for fun, I mean.

that aside, I'd like to know what we did with those labels? Change the name; cucumbers, to 'Goblin willies'? *ahem* I'll ponder some more about Loke's joining, but he'd probably have joined when the guild was but a few weeks/months old. Hell, maybe he'd even be as awesome as to have met Black even before the guild was, well.. made. But that seems very unlikely. I'll leave you with this for now, and will inform you 'bout Loke's joining whenever I have a solid idea.

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