Saturday, February 18, 2012

Writing Apps ? Supports for Students with LD #4 | OT's with Apps

Writing is considered one of the most difficult literacy?tasks. Many students with learning disabilities struggle with the process of writing as well as the mechanical componets of the writing task. Technology?can provide support to the mechanical demands of the writing process and is often a welcome tool to students.

When asked about AT?supports for writing there are many, ?however some of the?standard AT tools of mechanical writing?are voice recognition, use of text to speech, word prediction and adaptive or customized writing environments. Although there are others (especially those with text to speech) here are some apps that show good reviews and provide basic features of the standard AT tools for writing. At the present, phonetic word prediction does not appear to be present in writing apps (may be found in more advanced text-based AAC apps such as Predictably). Note taking, story telling, graphic organizing or concept mapping apps are anticipated to be reviewed in?upcoming posts.

Voice Recognition Apps

Dragon Dictation ? Created by Nuance, the makers of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, provides this free voice recognition app for iPod/iPhone/iPad. It requires Wi-Fi service for the translation of your voiced file to text. Dragon Dictation is amazingly accurate given the fact that no training is required prior to its use. It uses some of the standard Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice commands for formating and document navigation. Check out the voice command listing in the previous post,?Dragon Dictation??to help with voice navigation and? punctuation commands?when composing. Options for publishing?the text include?copying, emailing, cutting or sending it to Facebook or Twitter.

Dragon Dictation?minimizes the demands of the mechanical writing demands. I?requires a significant??cognitive component to organization thoughts, speak out punctuation and recall commands for document navigation, editing or formating by voice.???Dragon Dictation however is a boon for those who have significant spelling challenges, difficulty getting their ideas down on paper and rely on scribing to others. Good articulation, Wi-Fi service, and the ability to read your translated text is required to use Dragon Dictation app.

PaperPort App - This is Nuances new free digital?note taking for your iPad?that captures hand written notes, typed text, images, web content and audio. PaperPort Notes even allows you to take advantage of the Dragon Dictates voice recognition software produce your ideas and notes simply by speaking. This is a fabulous app previously reviewed?in a previous post PaperPort App ?- Dragon Dictation on Steroids.

PaperPort app provides a ?scribe-like? tool with additional support of importing pictures into the app. Tools to draw and type are available along with the capabilities of ?speak text? tool to be used to list to the transcribed text. Best of both worlds, this app provides voice recognition?in a note taking app with many tools including ?speak text? capabilities.? Good articulation, written organization, knowledge of conventions for punctuation and capitalization and editing is required to support the writing process. Ability to manually navigate in the app is required to access tools and menus. Great tool for students with learning disabilities to get their thoughts down on paper and review the text using ?speak text? tool offered in iOS5.

Text to Speech to Assist with Editing

Write & Say App ?- This app provides a word processing environment with text to speech, translation and the ability to convert your text to MP3 format. Many languages and voices are?available within the app. Boost high quality voices for its text to speech tool. Compatible with iPhone/iPod and iPad, (9.99). Provides the ability to email your documents.

Word Prediction Apps

Typ-O ? A simple word processing note pad with word prediction and text to speech provided to read your text aloud. Provides the ability to email your work or copy to the clipboard to transfer to another word processing or note taking app. Basic setting options of reading sped, pitch and word prediction vocabulary and spelling skill?options are provided to support the writer?s skill?level.

Typ-O for iPod/iPhone (9.99):

Typ-O for iPad (14.99):

ZenTap ? A word processing app featuring advanced word prediction.??Compatible with iPhone/iPod and iPad provides a free and Pro version (2.99), ZenTap provides a word processing environment with word?presented above the keyboard?for easy presentation and access. Words are predicted using an alphabetic formula, rather than a phonetic or grammatic method of generation.

Spell checking is also provided in the app as well as the ability to translate to other languages. No text to?speech is provided in the app, however if voice over capabilities are enabled, cursory text to speech will be available. Word processed text can be saved, emailed or copied for use in other apps. For its cost, ZenTap provides many features along with its word prediction tool.

Intellipad App - This word prediction and customizable keyboard app provides many options for students with special needs. Compatible only with iPad (19.99). Intellipad provides a word processing environment with?word prediction presented?above the keyboard for easy viewing and selection. Word prediction is generated?alphabetically as you type.?Text to speech is also provided for easy auditory review of the text. This is a great app for elementary aged students with learning disabilities who have difficulty generating written work. Working with the app to become familiar with it I easily customized a math keyboard with math symbols as a solutions for students having difficulty?handwriting simple math problems.

Another outstanding feature of Intellipad is the ability to modify the keyboard and key contents.

Intellipad is a great app providing access and scaffolding of?writing supports for special needs students. For more information visit an earlier post dated October, 2011 on Intellipad.

iMean ? Another app providing word suggestions with?an alternative keyboards?available?with text to speech capabilities. Compatible with the iPad (4.99), this app provides options of?an ABC, QWERTY and?number?keyboards with word suggestions? and text to speech available when the word enter the typing window. Easy switching from keyboard to keyboard is available directly on the keyboard.

Capabilities to change from keyboard to word processing view as shown above?is readily available. Copying capability allows for transferring the written information to a word processing or note taking app.

There are many more mechanical writing apps for students with learning disabilities, however those reviewed provide possibilities for elementary through post secondary aged students with challenges with spelling, writing/typing. Hopefully in the near future phonetic?based word prediction with be provided within apps for those?students or individuals who have not yet acquired transitional or conventional spelling skills.

Have any mechanical writing apps to share?? Please post a comment with any apps you might suggest.

What?s in your OT iTool Kit for writing?



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OTR/L with 30 years experience in pediatrics, school based therapy and adult rehabilitation. Masters of Science in Adaptive Education/Assistive Technology with 15 years experience in AT in education of elementary, middle school, secondary and post secondary students. Experience with adults with disabilities in employment and work transition.


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