Thursday, February 23, 2012

SEO Copywriting Uncovered | Briar Copywriting

Have you always been led to believe that SEO copywriting is a complex beast that only a few ?chosen ones? can master?SEO Copywriting

Well, it?s not that difficult so long as you remember one important thing, it?s still web copy, so it should be written primarily for your reader and not the search engines.

Yup, that?s right, your reader should be help aloft on a pedestal because they are far more important than the likes of Google.


Yes, really ? it is your reader who will buy from you, not Google. Granted, you have to get Google to like you a bit to make sure you appear in the appropriate search results, but good SEO copy won?t do that alone. To make that happen it has to be combined with good web design, link building and making sure your keywords appear in the correct places (if you?re confused by that one, any good SEO copywriter will be able to explain it to you ? if they can?t, you?re speaking to the wrong writer).

OK, back to SEO copy. In the bad old days it was decided that SEO copy should look like this:

I am a highly successful SEO Copywriter. I?ve been working with my SEO clients for many years providing them with SEO copywriting that really works. Through SEO copywriting my clients get great rankings and my SEO copywriting skills have been applauded the world over with my SEO clients being the first to recommend me. ?SEO is the way forward? said Jo, ?SEO helps my clients get in front of their customers. Without SEO copywriting many didn?t get great online sales but now I have worked on their SEO copywriting they are getting more traffic?

Urgh ? in the olden days that may have got a site ranked but it sure wouldn?t get anyone to buy.

The sad thing is that there are still people out there who think this kind of things works. Well, if you write like that you?ll certainly get noticed, but for all the wrong reasons.

If you want your website to get ranked and you want people to read it and buy from you, here are a few things you need to bear in mind.

Getting your content read

1. People come first

When writing about a particular product, service or subject, your keywords will crop up naturally so there?s no need to stuff them in every single sentence.

Your writing has to be natural and focused on your reader, not your keywords. You have to engage them, interest them and encourage them to take the action you want (get in touch, email or buy).

2. Inject some interest

Once you?ve written your copy, if you go back over it and shoe-horn a few extra keywords into it, you?ll end up with something repetitive and boring. If the number of keywords was the secret to getting ranked, the world would be full of unreadable websites.

Write something interesting that will add value to your readers.

3. Boosting your onscreen SEO

The most important areas for your keywords are in your headings (H1 tags) , sub headings (H2 tags) and ALT tags for images.

Using plenty of headings and sub headings will not only help your SEO, it will also enhance readability as it breaks up your text and helps? the reader find the information they want.

4. Links

You should of course be looking to generate plenty of inbound links to your website. But don?t forget to link out too. If you?ve written an article and, during your research, you came across an interesting related article, link out to it and add extra value for your readers. Plus, it might also generate another link back to you.

5. Go natural

As mentioned at the beginning, being natural in your writing is the only way to go.

If you fill your copy with keywords, jargon and industry speak, you?ll turn off readers in their droves.

Write in simple language and in the second person because natural copy that?s easy to read will always beat keyword-stuffed ?poor excuse for SEO? copy every time.







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